What’s new at the church? From the Mission Board, Marsha Luce, began participating in the Backpack Program, connecting with local families to provide food. She’s currently working on a pamphlet, Connections, which will have up-to-date information to help families connect to local services. If you would like to donate to this program, please make the check out to FCCC with Backpack Program in the memo line.
Wednesday Supper is serving between 85 and 100 take-out dinners every Wednesday. If you would like to contribute desserts, please drop them off on Wednesday after 1:00. The supper crew and friends will be putting on the Blueberry Pancake Breakfast with pancakes, bacon, home fries, fruit salad, quiche, coffee and orange juice on July 9th as a fundraiser. You can also donate here:
Check out the garden tool shed that John Vail has been overseeing. It is attached to the church, with a stained-glass window. Both useful and tasteful!
Speaking of garden tools, the gardens continue to grow, adding beauty to our grounds. Altar flowers have come exclusively from our flowering shrubs and plants. The Garden Committee will have a plant sale on Old Home Day, July 9th. Contact Paula at [email protected] to donate potted up plants.
We have had a number of guest speakers: Amy Mitz on the Jewish Faith, Gail Minor-Babin on the Baha’i Faith, Susan Retz from AHEAD on Affordable Housing, Gal Potashnick and Bruce Caplan on Small Acts North. We will continue to bring in community people share their passions with us, so keep an eye on our home page pulpit listing.
We are doing a card-shower for Lincoln Anderson, who is going to Georgia every month for a study med and had a clear MRI recently. You can send the card here:
Lincoln Anderson
30 Holly Hill Road
Weare, New Hampshire 03281
Of course, we are saddened by the loss our good friend and long-time church member, Ken Ford, and we extend our condolences to his family. They had a wonderful service for him that would have made him proud.