
Franconia Community Church of Christ,PO Box 237 Franconia NH 03580 823-8421 Office email: [email protected]

Summer has arrived, seeds have been planted, a new American flag is blowing in the wind, community and church volunteers are busy everywhere. God is shining the sun very brightly on the Franconia Community Church in Franconia, NH.
Sunday services are continuing online each week with the dedication of Paula Herbert handling the recordings of the services. Deacons, Lay leaders and guest speakers have dedicated their time by offering a wide variety of services online. The church leaders are so grateful that 70-90 people have been enjoying the services online.

The kitchen and dining area are getting a face lift in preparation for when the Wednesday Community dinner can be reopened. Even though the Covid 19 pandemic has stopped us from being together, we all are still working behind the scenes preparing for the time when we can enjoy being together again.
The Garden Ministry is so pleased to welcome the community to be involved. A new partnership with Jane Arquitt, who is the Gleaning Coordinator from Lancaster, has been established. The community has been dropping off plants! Pumpkins are sprouting up for the children to enjoy. Wild flower seedlings are being donated by community families and local gardeners. Watering cans will be added to the garden so children can stop by and water the garden.

Plaques have been ordered in memory of those who purchased a special plant or tree.
Sandy Herbert offered to design homemade painted garden markers this month for all the items in the garden. Please contact Kathleen White about a fundraiser selling fall bulbs and beautiful aprons to benefit the gardens. All committees have been using the ZOOM App to meet by welcoming new
members, enjoying coffee hour and preparing for the upcoming church
council meeting on June 14th.
The office has been staffed with volunteers supporting and keeping the
budget down as church offerings have been down during these times we are facing. Robert is handling the offerings and mail, I am handling most areas of the office from home and in the office on Wednesday from 2-5, in the Gardens on most Tuesdays. Miriam has offered to handle press releases andcommunication with church members for the Gazebo Project. New treasurers and secretaries for the mission board are getting organized and supported by Sandy. A community newsletter is under way with lots of information and great photos that will come out by the end of June. Everyone is still busy doing God’s work! All are welcomed! Come share your gifts and talents!
It takes a village to raise a family and a community to build a church!

Christine Legendre [email protected] 207-205-4486page1image3785456page1image2971168page1image1816832

Worship Services during COVID-19 are being offered on line each Sunday at 10:30 am either on our Franconia Community Church of Christ Facebook page or Youtube channel.


The mission board welcomes new leadership for the 2020 year. The mission board supports the church mission projects, Good Neighbor Food Bank and Emergency Needs of the community.

Sandy Herbert, Chair; Judy Lukasik, Treasurer; Lucy Finn, Secretary
Annie Payette, member; Mike West, Newest member;
Betsy Hansberger, Food Bank Coordinator

DEACONS INFORMATION Send your prayer requests to

[email protected]

Contact [email protected] to participate in the Worship services by sharing a poem, reading a scripture, or share your music talents!

Call Christine in the office at 823-8421 or drop your garden flowers off on Wednesdays between 2-5


We welcomed new members:

 Chuck & Judy Lukasik and Christine Legendre

We welcome new leadership for the 2020 Year in the Trustees:

Tracy Herbert & John Vail serving as co-chairs.

Offerings can be mailed to:

Franconia Community Church Attention: Robert Owen Williams PO Box 237
Franconia NH 03580 Memo “Offering”

For those who would like to send a card to high school graduate member Chris Ford: PO Box 728 Franconia NH 03580page2image3701216


Tracy & Sandy Herbert have graciously donated paint and hired a painter to freshen up the dining hall and kitchen. Mike & Evelyn West are starting to prepare meal menus. This committee is considering opening with meals to go on July 1st at 5:00! Dave Strange & John Vail have donated their time and talent to do some needed work in the kitchen area. A new industrial refrigerator is being installed this week. Donations of large cans of vegetables, boxes of cake mix, brownies and more are starting to fill the shelves.

Please reach out to Sandy at [email protected] if you would like to sponsor a meal.

Good Neighbor Food Pantry: TUESDAYS 11-1

Betsy Hansberger /Program Coordinator shared that the program has received an outstanding amount of financial support over the winter months and this spring. With the donations the program has been able to fill all the food shelves and fill the 3rd freezer that was donated by Jade and Dan our church neighbors. Items such as beef stew, canned spam, and jelly products are needed more than anything. (Please note that they cannot accept anything homemade.) Drop off days are Tues: 11 – 1 at the Food Pantry.

Your contributions for the churches effort can be mailed to:
Franconia Community Church of Christ
Po Box 237, Franconia NH 03580 In the memo add: “Community Supper”, “Food Pantry” or “Garden/Gazebo”

If you have a plant or flower you would like to add to the gardens, please stop by if you see any of us working in the gardens or email [email protected].

A community newsletter will follow by July 1st with information on the Memorial planting & donations within the garden . DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ANYTHING FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER WILL BE 6/27


The Church Garden Committee will be having a Fall Bulb Fundraiser beginning shortly. This fundraiser will benefit the garden committee efforts for the upkeep and expansion of the gardens and grounds at the church. Bulbs will go on sale until August 21 from any member of the garden committee or by ordering on line directly to the following link

If you order from a committee member then there will be no shipping charges whereas online orders there will be a $6.00 shipping charge for any size order. Bulb delivery will be late September/early October.

Call Kathleen White at 603-991-9885 for more information!

If you don’t have room to plant flowers, consider these as gifts for others, or order some and have them sent to the Church. We will plant them here in the empty garden spaces for use on the Alter for worship services next summer.


