January–A New Year of Exploring Our Faith

At a Lay Leadership Envisioning meeting on December 18th, attended by 10 members, we were able to look back over the past two years, discuss strengths and weaknesses, and suggest changes for the future.  These are few of the highlights which came out of the meeting:

–Commitments from lay leaders for time and talent.  A form (see below) was passed around for lay leaders to confirm their commitments.  We look strong for continuing the lay leaders with support from guest speakers.  Several people are interested in pursuing licensure from the New Hampshire UCC.  We also discussed Shared Ministry, but settled on looking at funding for guest ministry, with an opportunity to explore shared ministry if the opportunity and support from the congregation arises.

–Mission statements.  Paula Herbert spoke about creating a mission statement that would concisely express our purpose and help guide our programs.  Parker Towle offered to collect statements and distill them to present at Council

—Pastoral Care.  It was recognized that Pastoral Care has been a concern for us all.  Kathleen White agreed to oversee Pastoral Care.  She will be the person to contact when people become aware of a pastoral need.

—Communion.  Several people expressed a desire to see a different communion service format and the Deacons will address that.

Lay Leadership Commitment of Time and Talent:

We deepen our faith by working together as Lay Leaders and members of our church.

Yes, I will contribute my time and talents in the coming year for the strength and relevance of the Community Church of Christ.

_____ I will deliver sermons _____ time(s) during the year.

_____ I will spear-head fundraisers ____ time(s) during the coming year.  Name of fundraiser(s)________________

____ I will help greet at the door and collect offering _____ time(s) this year.

____I will sing in the choir ______ time(s) this year.

____ I will help with the children’s Sunday School ____ time(s) this year.

I will help with coffee hour ____ time(s) this year.


I will _________________________________________________


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